Tuesday, November 10, 2009


Assalamualikum and Hi to all my blog readers.

FINALLY, we come to the end of 14-week course for Choosing and Using Resources for Primary ESL Classroom. Lots of new knowledge [which I might not know previously] I have learned for this course, which I find it interesting at most of the points and not-so interesting at certain points.

BUT, overall, I would say that this course brings me to ICT world which if I put it on scale, it would be on 5 [or perhaps 4] out of 10. Yet still, I need to learn more to be at scale number 9 later.

Thus, Puan Foziah has prepared 11 questions which I will answer it 1 by 1, from my own point of view [POV], and those questions and answers are as follow:

1. What do you like about blogging?

· I would say it’s a kind of my daily journal that can be shared with other [who did read my blog] as I can express and share my feelings with others, be it HAPPY, not-so happy, SAD, ANGRY and many more, and all these feelings were blend together for this 14-week course.
· Apart from that, I can also use colours to express my feelings. For example, I use RED for ANGRY, YELLOW for HAPPY and many more. As I love colours very much, Blog gives me the opportunity to share my feelings in colours. Interesting right?

2. What you do not like about blogging?

· Hmm... certain part only. And let me give you the real example of what had happen to me in this course. To cut the story short, 1 day, while I am writing a blog post in the computer lab, out of sudden there was a problem [and I don’t what and why] that makes the whole computers in the computer lab lost their internet connection. And guess what, I lost my post [which I wrote that time] and made me mad for a while because I almost finish writing it. Only to put few last words on it. Huh ...[sigh]

· As for that, I learned something, which is to write my blog post in the MSword first, and later to upload it n the blog. This can help to minimize the time and to avoid such problem that might happen anytime especially during your working time, where I am sure that it will make you mad.

3. What have you gained from blogging eg. Language skills, improved fluency, critical thinking, improved thought processes, technology skills etc.

· I learned a lot. For example: it improves my language skills on how to organize words nice and use proper English [which I am not using it for my other blog that i have previously] and it makes me to think wisely before writing about certain issues or discussion which might hurt someone or perhaps groups of people. This will bring impact to me later.

4. How?

· For example, before I write anything in my blog, I need to think on how to organize the story nicely so that it can attract the readers’ attention plus I need to make sure that my words will not make anyone feel annoyed or make them feel mad at me. Thus, it makes me to think critically before writing my blog.

5. What do you like about this course?

· THE CHALLANGE. That is what I like about this course. It makes me happy yet tired at the same time. For example, I am so happy to get a task that my partner and I need to complete a video on any theme as long as the video has message/messages in it. It makes me so excited to find the resources, ask help here and there, discussion with my partner, Illi, and many more.

6. What you do not like about this course?

· WHEN THE TASK LOOKS LIKE THE REAL ASSINGMENT. Sometime I feel like I am doing the major assignments even though I only completing a task. That’s all. Even though I keep complaining about the tasks, but i manage to complete it successfully which I understand, all these tasks/assignments are for my own good.

7. What have you learnt from this course?

· I learnt to be punctual [because Pn Foziah doesn’t like when students come late to class].
· I learnt to accept and respect others point of view especially when doing group discussion or assignment.
· I learnt so many internet skills which I might not know previously. To be frank, I don’t even know how to do ‘print-screen’, as I only know it after attended the first class which Pn Foziah told all of us to do it while searching for Michael Jackson song.

8. What have you learnt from this course that you did not expect to?

· I learnt to downloading, uploading and many sort of things that I do not know previously. Even though lots of work to be done, like print-screen, copy, past etc but it makes me learnt to be patient.

· + It helps me to reflect how much [or perhaps how ‘little’ I know about those ICT skills].

· And 1 more thing, it makes me realize that it’s easy to comments on others work
[especially the video] which later I realize that it’s even harder to produce a short video clip about 3 to 5 minutes. I learnt to appreciate people’s work [those who produce great quality of music videos] and I am admiring them now.

9. What have u expected but do not learn from this course?

· To be frank, I have zero knowledge in this course. I do not even expect anything as I go with the flow, do the entire task given and come to class.

10. If you can change anything about this course, state what is and elaborate?

· TO REDUCE SOME WORKS [because it lost of things need to be done]. For example, even for a simple tasks [even though it is not so simple] but still all the tutorials on how to complete the tasks need to be done. That’s all I guess.
11. On a scale of 1 – 10, please rate your computing and technological skills for both before and after undergoing the course.

· After this 14-week course, now I can rate my computing and technologies skills as 8/10 compared before I attend to this class which was 4 or 5/10.

Till then,
Thank you so much Pn Foziah,
i have learned so many things in this course,
my beloved Cohort 4, all the best and thank for your help.

lots of LOVE,
NAEmnzr 'life under the sun+moon @ UM'.

13th and 14th post: The COMBO EDITION

Assalamualaikum and Hi to all my readers.
Here come to my special addition post, 2 in 1 post.

As not so many things need to be done in this 13 and 14 week of this course [as we all know, the course comes toward to the end already…] as most of the major tasks/assignments already been passed up last few weeks and for this weeks Pn Foziah gave us the opportunity to add on extra tasks for the 2nd assignment and few days extension for the 3rd assignment. I am very sure that most of cohort 4 [I would say the entire cohort 4] was very pleased due to the extension given. Thank mdm.

Even though we need to add on few brochures that explain about our teaching aids in details [the title, target audience, teaching aids etc], but it’s nothing much to do compared to the hard work given to complete the assignments given.

I learnt to accept and respects others point of view in order to complete the assignment. We discuss together and divided the task for each and every one of us to complete it. But for sure, we still need to discuss to make sure that every one of us understands of what need to be done in order to produce a good piece of work.

In completing these 2 major assignments, it makes me feel a sense of community and belongings to my group, which I love to be in group to complete the task. Lots of ideas and opinion can be gathered as each and every one of us will have our very own point of view. Thus, it helps to make the assignment more successful compared when I am doing it alone by my self. This can be the opportunity to me to perform my best and not disappointing my group members.

That all for this ‘combo post’
See you again in the very last post.
Have a great day ‘under the sun+moon @ UM’.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

12th post: The VIDEO CLIP[completed]

Assalamualikum and hi to everyone.
How's life so far?

time flies and we come almost to the end of the semester.What a great moment to be in this course. the pain, happiness, friendship,lectures and many more.All blend together like 'ais kacang' in a bowl.

by the way, to cut thing short,
my partner Illi and I, successfully finished preparing for the video clip,such a FUN yet ENJOYABLE project.

We took lots of candid photos[under the sun,in the library,cafeteria and almost everywhere,in the UM area]
shoot videos,
and many more.
it's so much FUN>

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

11th post: The VIDEO CLIP [in the making]

Assalamualikum and Hi to all my reader,
hw r u 2day/

as usual
for this week, we were supposed to come out with a video clip[with a clear theme],
and my partner and i were so excited [at first] as we were free to choose from any theme to be included in our video,,
the brainstorm session begin.
lots of ideas came out,
such as

illi: 'kita buat pasal hari raya la...best...kena dgn tema la ni'.
me: 'yup, y not,kita buat pasal open house....'
illi: 'best..best'

the discussion continue,
n we keep changing our mind,
to this..
to do that...
and that again...

we came out with 1Malaysia,
asked Pn Foziah,
n she suggested to incorpate 1Malaysia+eid,
'hmm...seems to be very nice',i said...

and untill now,
we try our very best,
to come out with the video,

DONE with the theme,
VIDEO CLIP in the making.
shall you people,

untill then,
have a great day under the sun+moon @ UM.

Thursday, September 10, 2009


Assalamualikum and Hi to all my readers?
how are you feeling today?
HOPE everyting is fine.
raya is coming next week,so how's you preparation so far?
I m so excited to 'balik kampung' and enjoy my raya with my beloved family members.

So, what's on last week?

Pn Foziah has given us task to be dscussed in group of 5.
We discussed,
come out with power point presentation,
and going to present it this week (i guess so).

The topic for my group is 'Working without a coursebook'.
This topic discussed about:
+finding unifying thread and purpose.
+Deciding what to be included in the lesson.
+Involving the children in the planning (this process may help pupils to be more responsible
toward their work and help them to be independant learners,
+Deciding how frequent and how long language lesson shoud be (the advantages and

From the discussion, i have learned that "more than an hour of high density language work at the stretch is probably too much for teachers and their classes". Therefore, as a teacher, he needs to plans his lesson wisely so that the pupils will not be bored to listen and learn to the teaching and learning process.Perhaps, he may inject the element of FUN the the classroom such group discussion and also GAMES which definately will attract pupils to learn the lesson to the maximum.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

9th post: The AUDIO EDITOR[in the making]

Assalamualikum and Hi to all my readers,
feeling great?
hope so..
hope you we are able to manage our time,
to do those tasks
and enjoy our life too...

owh...what had hapen last week?

let me put it in a simple way,
we listened for few korean songs[nice and catchy+fresh too]
Some video clips from Winter Sonata,
[Oh my, that was my 1st Korean Drama that i watched during my secondary school,few years back,and i still can remmeber here and there the storyline,beautifully plotted,nice songs and shots too],
and Pn Foziah did show us the edited version of one Korean song[but i don't know the tittle].

for the tasks,
we need to edit some of audio file,
using various kind of Mp3 Editor,
i have play around with those editor,
try here and there,
to edit an audio.

I found it rather difficult,
as i need to familiarize with the editor,
try those buttons,
effects etc,
i had so much FUN,
but stressed a bit at times,
when things went wrong,
BUT IT"S NORMAL TO MAKE THOSE MISTAKES while we are in the process of learning,right?

I hope, you too can try to enjoy and experience this tasks,
so that we can make full use of this lesson,
to edit audio files[for our teaching aids],
so that it will suit the intended learning outcome,
hence the teaching and learning will be successfull and FUN at the same time.

till then,
have a great day under the sun+moon @ UM
[though it's rainy day].

Thursday, August 27, 2009

8th post: The E-BOOK creation

Assalmaulaikum and Hi to all my beloved readers,

I hope all of you are in the pink of health.

GUESS what,
for this new week,
we are supposed to creat an E-Book.
isn't it interesting?
YES i would say,
because you know why,
It would be interesting to be used in the classroom,
as i can grab the pupils attention easily toward the topic.

DO YOU KNOW WHAT IS E-BOOK is all about?

according to Wikipedia:
"An e-book (short for electronic book, also written eBook or ebook) is an e-text that forms the digital media equivalent of a conventional printed book, sometimes protected with a digital rights management system".

as an electronic way of story telling+interesting/colourful animation, this would be very useful for the teachers to use an E-Book in the teaching and learning process. Thus, it will benefits the teacher to use it over and over again.Perhaps he may add or improve his e-book to make it more interesting.

My e-book is ready!!
wanna see my e-book?
shall wait untill my next post ya...

till then,
Enjoy your day under the sun+moon @ UM.
take care.

Monday, August 10, 2009

7th post: The PHOTO EDITOR[in the making]

assalamualikum and hi
to all my deares friends,
how are you getting on?
i hope all of you will be fine,
and fine to adjust yourself in UM.

by the way,
in this 7th post,
Pn Foziah shared with us,
on how to edit photos using FxPhoto Editor.
I am still learning though,
to edit,
and try to make funny things
as requested by her.
put your face onto someone famous,
interesthing rite?

come and let us EXPLORE and at the same time learning new things.
lots more to go,
all the best to you.

till then,
take care,

Sunday, August 2, 2009


hi and assalamualikum to all my dear friends,
i m back again, for the internetless class.

why internetless?
hmm.. i dunno.
something went wrong somewhere i guess.

it was like 'no-class-but-still-class' kind of situation.
why was that so?

we just sit in our group and discussed about 3 subtopic that we were choosen ouselves trhat need to be presented in the class next week.
and we cant do the tutorial things which need the internet connection,copy, and paste the website to be put in the microsoft word.
BUT then, we manage to finish all our discussion,
which means we don't need to carry those work at home.

Excelent time management!

yup, time is very important,
unless you don't need them,
those memories in the past,also related to time,

as Allah berfirman:
"Demi masa,sesungguhnya manusia itu berada dalam kerugian,kecuali orang2 yang beriman"

till then,
have a great day under the sun+moon @ UM.
take care!

Thursday, July 23, 2009

5th post: The WORK!

assalamualikum ande a very good day to everyone.
how are you today?
perhaps...everything goes well.

GUESS what,
WE learned something new today + it's A LOT>
really i mean.
i learned to make a tutorial,
copy those web page,
paste it on microsoft word,
copy again,
paste it again,
and again,
untill everything is finished.
pheww...i feel like a snail,



move forward,














i have made a tutorial for downloading a song by MJ "Give Thanks to Allah",
and i wish to add more some extra tutorial like the lyric and also the video about it,
of course i want those extra marks+i want to upgrade my self.

and here i would like to sahre with you those meaningful lyric by MJ.

Give Thanks To Allah lyrics

Give thanks to Allah,
for the moon and the stars
prays in all day full,
what is and what was
take hold of your iman
dont givin to shaitan
oh you who believe please give thanks to Allah.
Allahu Ghefor Allahu Rahim Allahu yuhibo el Mohsinin,
hua Khalikhone hua Razikhone whahoa ala kolli sheiin khadir

Allah is Ghefor Allah is Rahim Allah is the one who loves the Mohsinin,
he is a creater, he is a sistainer and he is the one who has power over all.

Give thanks to Allah,f
or the moon and the stars
prays in all day full,
what is and what was
take hold of your iman
dont givin to shaitan
oh you who believe please give thanks to Allah.
Allahu Ghefor Allahu Rahim Allahu yuhibo el Mohsinin,
hua Khalikhone hua Razikhone whahoa ala kolli sheiin khadir

Allah is Ghefor Allah is Rahim Allah is the one who loves the Mohsinin,
he is a creater, he is a sistainer and he is the one who has power over all.

Beautiful is it?

GOD bless him.

with that,
I WONT BE A SNAIL anymore.

looking forward for the next class,
to learn LOTS more new things.
see you again next time,
have an exrtaordinary day under the moon+sun @ UM.

Monday, July 20, 2009

4th post; The PHOTOS that share a story [week 3]

assalamualikum and Hi everyone,
how are you getting on?
hope everything is fine,ok.

As i promised last week,
btw, i m so sory,
because i m not uploaded those photos by last week,
and i'll do it now,
at this moment,
photos of some of us,
being very buzy last week.
till then,
have a great day under the sun+moon @ UM.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

3rd post: The REFLECTION [week 3]

Assalamualaikum and Hi to Everyone,
how are you today?

btw, it's already my 2nd week in UM.
and this is my second class for thios course.

we were getting 2 books,
pile of portfolios,
and almost evryone seems to be very busy,
especially the group leader for each group,
copying all the Cds to be put in one folder[actually for our future refference in compleating THE ASSIGNMENT/TASKs for this course],
i look at everyone,
they were very buzy,
like in the office.

btw,i'll upload today's photos by tonite ya.
do visit it later,
feel like in the office.

till then,
have a great day under the sun+moon @ UM.

Thursday, July 9, 2009

2nd post: The REFLECTION [week 1]

"Writing a blog may help you to improve your english"-Pn Foziah.

Asalamulaikum and Hi to all readers and friends.
Here I am for the 2nd post.

i have created a blog especially for this subject PBEY 3102 [as told to do so],
and I am happy about that,
as I could say something,
in my own way.

In my point of view,
i found this subject as very interesting eventhough I am not a techno-savvy[+a bit slow at time],
BUT, I love to learn new things+information,
so that it can be used in future.
the introduction was made clear by pn Foaziah,
about the overview of the course,
the purpose of the course,
and many more.

though, I really hope to improve my english[as I am going to be an English teacher],
especiallyin writing,
with no[or little grammatical mistakes],
I should be able to improve it little by little,
through out this 14-week.Insyaallah.

I hope to learn from all of u,
my dearest friends,
do HELP me
so that we can learn from each other.

till then,
take care,
enjoy your day under the sun+moon @ UM.

1st post: The INTRODUCTION [PBEY 3102]

After i have heard few things about this subject from seniors,
they said " you will be created a new blog",
yea..great.i love to scribble something here.

SO,to all readers and friends, welcome to my blog, NAEmnzrPBEY3102
"life under the sun+moon @ UM"

you are free to drop your comments here.
take care,
and have a great day under the sun+moon @ UM: )